Part 72: Dight NPC Chatter 2
Welcome back! Still have quite a few more NPCs to chat with, so let's get started!

: Hey! What are you up to, all of a sudden!?

: I'm Gadwin, Hero of Dight! And THIS is my sword!
I call it "Goebbels"!

: Hmm... Gadwin's a popular guy around here, isn't he? Somehow I'm a bit surprised.

I know! It's like these people have never studied European history!

What's "Europe"?

: Gadwin can fight big ol' dragons! He kills 'em like THIS!

: Yeah, that's why I didn't win. Ha ha ha.

: Huh!? You fought Gadwin and you're still alive?! Wow! That's incredible!

: Well, it seems I had no idea what I was in for at the time.

: Hmm... I don't know why, but if they told you not to go outside, why are you outside now?

: Cuz when I'm at home, everybody's just whisperin' to each other and nobody'll play with me.

: Really? Against Gadwin?

In what? A limbo contest?

: Heh heh heh. You heard me, boy. Long ago, at a cafe, I asked Gadwin the riddle, "Why is the sea salty"?
There was never a contest for this update's teaser image.

: Yeah, I bet he was pretty disgusted.

: Gadwin and I have been rivals ever since we were little. I competed with him over everything.
Like that time we were both trying to become the Pokemon League Champion....
The village does have some pretty scenery.

: I just can't remember what I was thinking about just a minute ago. Strange.

: Ha ha ha! Ya know, that has happened to me before, too!

: Well, I guess it doesn't matter if I happen to forget what I was thinking. It's just as well, I guess.

: Yeah, that happens to me a lot.

: Oh, I'm glad to hear that. I thought maybe I was the only one. Still, I can't help wondering. What was it that I was thinking about? Hmm....
That's all this guy seems to say. Even if the first thing you do in town is talk to this guy. Odd.

: Puff?

: Hey, Puffy. That's not it.

: Are you talking about my eyes?

: You both have nice, clear eyes. Especially that one who says "Puff". Very becoming, I'd say. Anyone who's a friend of Gadwin's is a welcome friend in this village. There's not much entertainment here, but you're welcome to stay and relax.

I guess she doesn't want us to bring out our d-

Do not say another word.

: Oh... oh... my back aches, even though Dr. Alma just treated me.

: Are you OK, Gramps?

: Ah, yeah, I'm OK, kid. It's always like this nowadays. But whenever my back aches, something bad happens. Wouldn't it be nice if nothing bad happened this time?
A tall dwarf?

: Huh?! Well, it's hard to say when you ask so abruptly!

: Oh, right. So I guess I don't look much like a fisherman while I'm still on land. Ahh! I wish I could go fishing! My whole life is on the sea!

: And the few fish that we catch are poisoned anyway. What're we gonna do?

: The fish are poisoned...?

: Why are you strangers in our village? I'm in a bad mood today. So all of you, just leave! Go on! Hmm? Uh, no, wait! Wait! Maybe you're the reason for all this?! Maybe you made the Spirits go away!

: Hold on just a minute! What do poisoned fish have to do with the Spirits going away?

: Anyway, you gotta leave today. No time to hang around with outsiders. I gotta do something quick.

: Looks like it's gonna rain. Better do something, or else....

: What's the fuss about a little rain? Gadwin's been acting strangely about it, too.

: You don't understand, of course. It's just if the rain keeps falling, it's the end of this village. Looks like it's gonna rain. Better do something, or else.... (mumble, mumble)

: If it rains, it means the end for us People of the Flying Dragon. Something must be done.

: People of the Flying Dragon? So can the people of Dight fly?

: No, we can't fly. Instead, we've learned to live with our feet on the ground. Long ago our ancestors were flying dragons. The power of the Spirits turned us into our present form. We can't fly but we now have arms and legs so we can live on the ground.

: That's a very strange song. What does it mean?

: It's called "The Skinny Giant". We all stand in a circle to sing it. We all stand in a circle and turn the circle as we sing this song. When we get to "now we all die" we all fall to the ground.

: Hmm.... It's a singing game that people in this village like to play.
Unlike most JRPG rhyming song things, this one doesn't tell us the path through the nearby maze, or lead us to hidden treasure or anything. Just there to remind us that if the Typhoon Tower makes it rain, everyone in Dight is dead.

: What kind of business is that?

: As you can see, I'm a boat repairman. I fix leaks in boat hulls. I do everything, even mending sails. But now, nobody's fishing anymore, so I've got nothing to do. Here, look at this dugout canoe. I've been working on this boat for quite a while, and now the customer says to hold off on finishing it for a while. That's not fair at all, is it? I haven't heard anything about re-opening the fishing season. So what am I supposed to do? Nothing?

: No, it's not your imagination. My name is Justin. I'm an adventurer who came from across the wall.

: Hey, now that's unusual. You don't hear of anyone besides those Mogay folk coming from so far. Well, we've been pretty busy here, no doubt it's a bit unsettling. But please take your time and relax.

: I suspect the Typhoon Tower is responsible for these illnesses. I see a lot of patients and my suspicion becomes stronger each day. I don't think I'm mistaken. It's going to get even busier around here later. You folks be sure to get plenty of rest. Those clouds out there.... I sure hope nothing bad happens.
I'm sitting at another fifty lines and three screenshots before going over-budget. Bring it.

: Please excuse us, but we're discussing a crucial matter now. Would you kindly come back later?

: Elder! We're heading for big trouble here. If it starts raining....

: Right you are, Gadwin. But will it really rain?

: I can't say for sure, but... When I look at those clouds, I feel a cold shiver run down my spine.

: Hm? Oh, it's you... sorry, I've got more talking to do. It's a rather urgent matter. If you could wait for me over there, I'll join you after my talk with the elder. You guys should have a look around the village, and just take it easy today. I plan to go to the inn as soon as I'm done talking with the elder.

: To make matters worse, we're running low on our stocks of food. Oh, what'll we do, what'll we do.

: I wonder where that child went running off to play this time? Looks like it's gonna rain. And to think I even reminded him to come back soon this time.

: If the fishing stays this bad, I'm gonna get rusty at harpooning. The poisonous rain is flowing into the sea, and I'm sure the fish must be fleeing farther out to sea.
Whew. There is, of course, more dialog once it starts raining, but that'll have to wait for next time!